Pet NameTag
We create name tags by engraving letters on acrylic resin and cutting them into various shapes. Additionally, we apply a resin coating to the front, giving the tags a rounded, premium look.

We engrave and cut letters on acrylic resin, then apply a resin coating to the front. The result is a pin badge with a safe and secure pin attached to the back.

Mini Emblem
This is a high-quality initial emblem that can be easily attached to the logo part of your camera or frequently used items. It is a small custom-made part where you can specify your preferred initial and finish.

Cutlery Rest
These cutlery rests are made from high-quality acrylic material, crafted in Japan. Featuring traditional Japanese patterns and cute paw icons, they add a touch of charm to your everyday dining table.

Layout Control
Lightning は 任意のカラム数を設定する機能があり「外観 > カスタマイズ > Lightning レイアウト設定」または各個別の記事編集画面の「Lightning デザイン設定」から指定する事ができます。
News & Information
- Web Shophttp://tokoman.shop-pro.jp